Saturday, September 10, 2011

As October Slowly Approaches

I am getting so very excited to be leaving in just a month! I have been asked by the team leader to come up with a list of people to be on my prayer team...this will be people who will lift the group up in prayer the whole ten days we are away. If you would like to commit to praying for the team please send me or post your email so I can add it to my list of prayer warriors. Here is a list of things ya'll can be lifting up in prayer as October comes near...

  • Pray that the directors of the two orphanages will be open to our team and allow us to share the love of Christ and the Gospel with these children.

  • Pray for Mark and Anna as they make all the necessary arrangements for our team at the orphanages, the Guest House and arrange our in-country travel.

  • Pray that our team members will be the face, arms and legs of Christ as they serve the children and staff at the orphanages.

  • Pray for the provision of $15,000 for the various work projects at the orphanages.

  • Please pray that our entire team will be a blessing and great encouragement to the staff, children and community surrounding the two state run orphanages we will be serving at.

  • Pray that hundreds of others will join this team in praying for them and financially participating in helping to raise the needed $15,000

  • Pray for a great team spirit, unity and camaraderie.

  • Please pray for safety as the team travels to and from Moldova as well as on the roads each day.

  • Pray for clear communication back and forth as we finalize the work projects and plan for the VBS.

  • Thank you all so much and I am so happy to share this with you all:)
    <>< Suzanne